Indian magic is also known as mystic magic or magic of ancient India. It's full of powers, miracles and wonders.

Magic in India has a very long history that dates back to ancient times. Indian magic was earlier mastered and practiced by men of wisdom who are famously termed as gurus in the Indian subcontinent. I am from India and grew up watching the most famous gurus practice it with great skills and hence would like to talk more about indian magic.

Indian magic is now used around the world due to its ever-growing popularity.

Indian magic is famous for its magic spells, chants, mantras and rituals.

Indian magic spells are a combination of powerful texts, rituals and prayers.
India is known to the world as a land of diversity. There are many sacred texts available in India but the key is to search for the most powerful ones and use them effectively. I have travelled the length and breadth of India for the very same purpose over the years. This page has the most effective indian magic spells custom made by me after years of research and hard work. My indian black magic spells are always in great demand.

Indian magical chants are also known to the world as mantras. Magical chants are extracts from the ancient texts. Chanting magical mantras is easy and does not take more than five minutes. Continuous repetition or recitation of these chants is a very effective practice.

Indian rituals, ceremonies and prayers must be used together for maximum results. This combination becomes a force to be reckoned with. The rituals that are to be conducted under moonlight are extremely powerful. There are many indian rituals performed across India but the most effective ones are listed on this page.

If you want to know more about indian magic then send me an email and I will get back to you. This is my contact address


Indian magic has grown in popularity ever since internet came into existence. Previously Indian magic was known to a few but the world now knows about it and its effectiveness.

Indian magic and spells reign supreme over all the other forms of magical spells and practices.

My free indian magic spells can be used for all purposes but on this page I specifically want to talk about indian magic love spells.

Indian magic spells for love provide immediate results that are permanent. If you seriously want to shape your love life according to your wish then I suggest the use of my free indian love spells.

I am giving away an easy indian love spell for free that gives immediate results.

Here is the usage procedure.

Use this indian black magic spell for one night.

At night, take a bath and wear clean black clothes.

Take a picture of your lover and stick it on the wall.

Say this black magic love spell chant to a count of hundred with full focus on that picture.


You may use a counter or stopwatch to keep an exact count. Accuracy is the key step.

Now, take one raw egg and gently touch it to the picture of your lover.

Take that egg on an empty open land and keep it carefully in a corner.

Return without looking back at the egg and be prepared for a surprise on reaching home.

Your lover will be there waiting for you and will want to spend the rest of her/his life with you.

Use this indian black magic spell for love responsibly because the results are permanent and irreversible.

I suggest the use of this powerful black magic spell for purposes such as marriage, get back with ex and to reunite with partner.

Indian black magic spells for love are the most effective love spells of all.


I receive many requests from around the world for free love spells that work fast. I know and understand well that love is a very strong emotion and all issues related to love must be given urgent attention.

A great love life will make you a winner in all that you do whereas a troubled love life will take you downhill and hence it's of prime importance to have a terrific love life.

There are many people who give up and throw in the towel admitting defeat which should never be the case but it's a fact and does happen.

My free powerful love spells that work immediately are for people who write to me in despair and need help.

Indian love spells are fast-acting mainly because they are easy to use.

I am giving away one of my best indian easy love spells with just words that will give you immediate results.

Use this free indian love spell for any love wish, desire, issue and matter.
It works for everyone and will most definitely work for you. It's a gem of a love spell.

Here is the usage procedure.

Use this easy love spell for one night.

Take a bath and wear clean white clothes.

Go out in the open and sit under a tree.

Say this love spell to a count of one thousand.


Maintaining an exact count is the key. I suggest the use of beads or a counter to keep count.

Now, take the name of the one you love thrice.

Return home and within minutes your love issue, matter or trouble will get sorted miraculously.

Indian love spells have proven their worth in the toughest of situations.

Love spells based on indian magic are best for saving love relationships and marriages.


Black magic spells work at a speed of light thus making them my first choice of use for clients who ask me for immediate results with regards to love and attraction. I always deliver the best.

I want to make it absolutely clear that all my black magic spells are completely safe to use and have no negative effects whatsoever. The results attained by the use of my black magic and black magic love spells are permanent that can never be reversed.

If your love life has become boring or there is no spark left in your relationship and there seems to be no way out then I suggest you to keep reading with interest.

Indian black magic spells for love are extremely powerful love spells that work immediately. It does not matter how complex your love life could be at this moment because it's going to change very quickly after making use of my free black magic love spells.

The one who will use my free indian black magic spells for love shall become a winner in his/her love life.

Here is a black magic spell for love that works for real within minutes.

I am outlining the method of use.

Use this love spell at night and only for a single night.

Take a picture of your lover or partner and hold it firmly in your left hand.

Standstill and say this free easy love spell chant to a count of fifty with full focus on the picture.


The results will be there for you to witness and experience the moment you complete the spell casting. It's that strong a black magic spell.

Use this black magic love spell to reunite with partner, get back ex, stop a divorce and to attract a lover.

It's one of my best black magic love spells and on this page I have made it available for free. If you want to know more about this spell then send me a mail


Indian black magic spells are extremely powerful and work for everyone. If you need more information on India magic and indian magic spells then there are many pages written by me in-depth that will give you a greater sense and understanding on how strong Indian magic is.

Indian black magic spells and indian black magic mantras are tried and tested by me personally and have stood the test of time. I wish to mention that not only indian magic spells but all magic spells that one can read on my website are personally prepared and tested by me. I have published only those magic spells on my website which give results because that's the whole point of casting magic spells.

Real black magic spells for love are the best indian magic spells that will give you instant results without much effort.

On this page I am giving away a free love spell to attract a lover of choice for marriage. I urge you to cast this love spell only if you seriously want to marry a specific individual because the results obtained by the use of this strong love spell are irreversible and absolutely permanent.

Here is your love spell that works for real.

Cast this magical love spell at night.

Standstill in a corner of your home and say this black magic love spell mantra to a count of one thousand.


Close your eyes and imagine your lover whom you want to attract and marry while chanting the love mantra.

Within minutes the one you love and want to marry will come to you and want to spend the rest of his/her life with you. This is the only reason why I want you to cast this free love spell only with a clear intention of marriage.

It's a stellar spell to receive a marriage proposal and is termed by many as a strong marry me spell.


I am asked almost every day for the best money spells that work immediately. I can actually sense the seriousness with which such requests are made to me.

So let's come back to the topic of powerful money spells that work fast. I have many money spells that work fast but on this page I am only going to talk about my best and most effective money spells.

Indian black magic money spells are the best in producing instant results. The experience I have gained over decades of casting money spells resonates with my above statement.

People who have used my indian magic spells for money swear by them because of the results achieved. The results you will achieve by using my indian money spells are going to be extreme.

I am giving away one of my best money spells with candles. This is an indian magic spell for money that will make you wealthy.

Here is the usage procedure.

Take three small green candles of equal size and engrave this black magic money spell mantra vertically on all three of them.


Fit these candles firmly on a candle stand and sit on the floor comfortably with your legs folded at a safe distance away from the candles.

Burn the candles and say the black magic money spell chant continuously till all the three candles burn out.

Money will come your way from all sources that will astonish you beyond belief. The flow of money shall never end but will keep getting stronger with each passing day.

If ever you decide to cast a free money spell that works fast then this has to be the one for you.
This free money magic spell is my personal recommendation.


Most people want to make it big in life without putting in much effort. It's human tendency that can never be changed. It's good to work hard but it's best to work smart. Keep reading and you will understand what I mean.

Most people spend endless hours working just to make a living and then there are some who hardly work but make large amounts of money with ease.

If you have decided to make money with little to no effort then this page is just for you.

Cast a free money spell today and become mega rich. It doesn't get any easier than this.

Let me give away a secret indian black magic money spell to become rich and famous in no time.

The one who will use this free money spell shall become rich overnight.

Here is the usage procedure.

Cast this free money spell every night.

Take a bath and wear clean clothes.

Spread a small amount of local currency on your bed.

Sit on a chair and say this spell to get money overnight to a count of three hundred with full focus on the currency.


Gather and put the currency back in your safe or locker.

I suggest the use of a counter or stopwatch to keep count.

You will attract money like magnet. The money and wealth attained by the use of this real black magic money spell will never end and be yours forever.

It's an ultra strong black magic money spell that works for real.

Indian money spells without ingredients work for everyone irrespective of age and gender.

Author's note - Use the same currency every night.


This article could just be my best on money spells witchcraft. Keep reading.

I get many requests for money spells without materials and that's no surprise to me. In this era people prefer to cast easy money spells without ingredients and materials.

On this page I am going to talk about my best free easy money spells without materials that do give desired results.

Let's get straight to the point. I wish to first talk about my free witchcraft money spells that work immediately without ingredients.

It was a challenge for me to create money spells without materials but after a lot of work and testing, I have finally come up with the very best money spells to attract wealth that don't require materials.

I have created many money spells without materials that work immediately based on the principles of indian magic which is one of the leading forms of magic and works best for all money matters.
These are the real deal indian money spells that work.

I hereby present an easy indian magic money spell with salt usage. Salt is the only required ingredient to cast this spell to attract money successfully.

Money spells with salt work best.

Here is the usage procedure.

Use this money spell with salt for one night only.

Make a medium sized pentagram with salt on the floor.

Sit on the floor with your legs folded near the pentagram.

Keep a local currency note in the center of that pentagram.

I want you to say this indian magic money spell chant to a count of hundred with full focus on the pentagram.


Immediately, collect all the salt in a glass jar. Store the jar forever at your home safely without ever opening its lid.

You will experience money like never before after casting this spell. Within days you will become extremely rich.

The flow of money shall never stop and your wealth will keep multiplying in one way or the other. Money and wealth multiplication will happen in the most unexpected of ways and manners.

This spell is also termed as an indian money multiplier spell.


Life is all about learning and evolving. People who don't want to learn in life from their experiences or others bring an end to their evolving process which is sad. Keep reading and you will understand where I am heading.

Here is a page about indian spells for money that I suggest everyone to read because in my opinion, it's a great read.

Indian money spells are super strong money spells that work but that's not all. With time and experience I have combined them with wiccan money chants for an even greater output.

A mix of indian magic and wicca money spells is the ultimate combination. No money spell in the world can match this combination.

I am giving away one of my best free wiccan money spells that really work.

Here is the usage procedure.

Take a bath and wear clean clothes.

Take a white paper and draw a pentagram on it with black ink.

Sit on a chair with the paper in front of you on the table.

Say this money spell chant to a count of hundred with full focus on the pentagram.


Use this money spell every night without fail.

It's magic at its best and the results will overwhelm you to the limits.

Wiccan money chants when used along with indian magic produces unimaginable results.

Author's note - Use the same paper every night if you want this wicca money spell to work for you and stay active forever. You don't have to draw a pentagram each night on that paper because the pentagram you draw on the very first night of spell casting will be all that's required.

I suggest that you laminate the paper so it stays undamaged due to everyday use.


Protection was never taken seriously in the past because back then people seemed to be mostly busy with the other not so important worldly or materialistic things in life and in the process neglected their protection and health completely but now things have changed. Protection has now become a number one priority for people and rightly so. I am glad people have now started taking their protection and safety seriously.

There are many different protection spells available but on this page I will talk about my best all in one protection spell that covers everything. If you want to be protected for life then this page is just for you.

I am giving away a free protection spell that will protect you from evil, black magic, voodoo, witchcraft, curses, hexes, jealousy, accidents and even premature death.

If you are affected by black magic, evil, curse, hex or jealousy then this free protection spell will break all of it thus ensuring you are completely cleansed and pure.

There are many benefits of using this powerful protection spell namely long life, good health, good luck, peace, prosperity and harmony.

Here is the usage procedure.

Every morning at sunrise take a bath and wear clean clothes.

Sit in a corner of your home and say this indian protection spell chant to a count of hundred with your eyes closed. Your mind should be clear of any thoughts while chanting.


I suggest the use of a counter to keep accurate count because your eyes will be closed at the time of chanting.

Use this protection chant every day and stay protected forever.

No human, power or force can harm you or even come close to you.

Author's note - Sit on the same spot every day at the time of casting this magic spell for protection.


I am often asked for spells to curse an enemy and how to put a spell on someone who hurts you bad in life. These questions don't surprise me anymore because I receive a lot of them almost every day.

Magic spells for enemies and enemy destruction spells are extreme spells that should be used by caution and not aggression.

A magic spell to destroy an enemy will take its toll on your enemy and destroy him/her completely.

The world in which we live today consists of both, "good people and bad people".

I will want you to practice the art of forgiving and forgetting rather than taking an extreme step of using enemy destruction spells.

If an enemy has hurt you or your family real bad and you have finally decided to destroy him then I suggest you to keep reading this page.

Indian black magic and african voodoo magic are two of the best forms of magic. I have combined both of them together to generate maximum results. Indian black magic spells are strong spells that will bring extreme destruction to your enemy. The world knows how strong voodoo destruction spells are and what they can do to an enemy.

You may find many spells to curse an enemy on my portal but this enemy destruction spell is simply the best.

Here is the usage procedure.

Use this lemon revenge spell at night and only for a single night.

Take a lemon and write this enemy destruction mantra thrice on it with black ink.


Place the lemon on the floor and stand at a good distance away from it.

Say the destruction chant to a count of fifty with full focus on that lemon.

Pick up the lemon with your left hand and take the name of your enemy thrice while focusing on the lemon.

Go out in the open and bury this lemon in the nearby soil or mud.

From this moment onwards the destruction of your enemy will begin and never come to an end.

This spell to destroy enemies should only be used if you genuinely feel your enemy needs to face wrath.


I am asked by many people for the best revenge spells without ingredients and simple revenge spells that work fast. These requests come to me daily from around the world.

I want to first make it clear that revenge spells and destructions spells are completely different from each other. Most people get confused and don't understand the difference. It's important to know the difference and make the correct choice.

Revenge spells will punish your enemy or enemies for their wrongdoings done towards you.

Destruction spells will completely destroy your enemy or enemies forever.

I have written both the above definitions to the point so the difference can be clearly understood between my revenge spells and destructions spells. If you still have questions then email me for further clarifications. Here is my email address

I will first talk about revenge spells and then give away a free revenge spell chant.

Revenge is an extreme emotion that develops within the heart mostly because someone did or has done something bad to you or your family. If you want to act and give that someone a taste of his own medicine then keep reading.

My revenge spells are extreme punishing spells that can never be reversed once cast. Use them wisely. Your enemy will repent and suffer greatly.

I am giving away a spell to punish someone that works immediately.

Here is the usage procedure.

Use this simple revenge spell for a single night.

Take a picture of your enemy and stick it on the wall.

Take one raw egg and smash it on the picture.

Stand at a good distance away from that picture and say this revenge spell chant to a count of hundred while focusing on the picture.


Now, tear the picture into four equal halves.

Take a jar full of salt and put the pieces of that picture inside it.

Store this jar very well if you want to see your enemy suffer forever.

Make sure the lid is tightly closed at all times.

This free revenge spell is my best spell to punish someone.


Over the past few years there has been a growing demand for free curses and hexes.

My black magic curses and spells for free are used all over the world.

People also ask me for easy black magic curses and hexes that work fast.

I have created some of the most extreme curse spells that work immediately by combining them with a series of strong indian black magic spells.

If you want to ruin a person's life then indian curse casting is your best tool.

Curses and hexes cannot be broken, stopped or reversed once cast and will cause permanent harm to the targeted person. Be absolutely sure before using my black magic curses for revenge on someone.

If you can forgive your enemy then that's the best thing to do but if you feel that your enemy needs to be taught a lesson then you may use my free curse spells that work.

I am presenting one of my best black magic curse spells that work fast.

The usage procedure is simple.

Use this black magic curse spell for one night only.

Stand in a corner of your home and say this black magic curse spell chant to a count of hundred with your eyes closed. There should be absolutely no thoughts running in your mind at the time of spell chanting.


Now, take the name of your enemy thrice.

Your enemy will be cursed from the moment you take his or her name thrice.

If you want to cast a black magic curse on someone then this magical spell is my recommendation mainly because it's very easy to use and requires no ingredients.

Author's note - Never use this black magic curse spell for a second time on the same person.

Custom spell casting requests can be mailed to me here


Messages from people who have used my indian magic spells, chants and rituals.
James F
I visit your website frequently for self-help spells and I must say that you are doing a fantastic job. I recently cast your revenge spell on my senior at work and all of a sudden he got demoted to a lower rank for unknown reasons. I am a nice man but felt real good to see my senior in trouble because that's what he deserved. I have no regrets and thank you.

Jim F
I have heard many incredible stories about indian magic from asian friends. I used the indian spell for money out of curiosity. It has given me good results so far and I expect it to keep performing in the same manner. Finally I have a magical story to share with my friends. Good job brother.

Liza P
I got introduced to your work by a friend. The indian magic spells posted by you caught my attention and I decided to give one of them a try. I used the easy money spell without materials and within few days noticed staggering financial improvements. I run multiple businesses and the sales have jumped after using the spell. I just wish and hope that this phase of life never comes to an end for me.

I got good results from your indian love spell. My wife is spending more time with me rather than with friends who were more important to her before. She behaves maturely and her attitude has changed significantly.

Henry M
Your indian black magic spell for love has seriously impressed me. My long lost girlfriend has come back to me just hours after casting it. I was shocked to see her at my door; she immediately hugged me and started shedding tears. Her heart was full of regret and it was time for me to forgive and accept her like a man. Good job.

Emilie L
I had issues with my neighbor that I don't want to mention here but what happened after casting the protection spell is very interesting and worth mentioning. Within 24 hours he moved out of his rental apartment and there is no sign of him yet which probably means he won't be around for a while.

Charles S
Hi, the voodoo enemy destruction spell has worked. I did it yesterday and this morning my jealous aunt has been thrown out of job. She deserved what she got and I am feeling ecstatic right now.

Cinthia L
I never thought I would write to a spellcaster ever in my life but the results achieved after casting your love spell from India has forced me to send this message. My boyfriend had dumped me for another girl which was a terrible thing to do. I wanted him to come back immediately but that did not happen. I even begged him to accept me but all my efforts were in vain. I had almost given up but for some strange reason decided to give your spell a try and what happened next came to me as a surprise. He knocked on my door and hugged me. He accepted his mistake and promised me that he won't ever do it again. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Rachel D
I discovered my husband's affair last year. I was completely shattered and didn't know what to do or where to go. It took me a while to recollect myself and when I did it was time for some serious action. I went ahead with your best black magic spell for love and the results soon followed.

Monroe F
The money spell without ingredients is really good. I am very satisfied with the results after using it. You are doing an exceptional job. I will soon be ordering stuff from you. I express my sincere gratitude to you.
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